photo of Balk, Steven P

Steven P Balk, MD,PhD

Hematology Oncology
Contact Information
Office:   CL-0443
Phone:   617-735-2065
Fax:   617-667-0610
Address:    330 Brookline Ave; CL-0443
 Boston, MA 02215
Research Lab Team Members
   Shaoyong Chen PhD Xin Yuan MD,PhD    
Areas of Interest
1 Cancer      
Major Research Theme
Our major disease interest is prostate cancer, with a particular focus on the role of the androgen receptor in prostate cancer development and progression. We are studying molecular mechanisms of androgen receptor action in normal prostate and prostate cancer. These include studies of AR structure, AR mutations, DNA binding, and interactions with coactivator/corepressor proteins. The lab has identified several androgen interacting proteins, and a long term objective is to develop novel androgen receptor antagonists that will selectively modulate androgen receptor protein interactions. Other objectives are to establish animal models of prostate cancer and to carry out translational studies on clinical materials from prostate cancer patients.
External Recognition
1987              NCI, Physician Scientist Award, 7/87-6/90
1992              American Cancer Society Junior Faculty Research Award
1995              American Society for Clinical Investigation
1997, 99, 01         ad hoc member NIH Biochemical Endocrinology Study Section
2001, 02        ad hoc member NIH Immunological Sciences and Experimental Immunology Study Sections
1999-2002       Department of Defense Prostate Cancer Study Section
Major Collaborative Activities
Dana Farber/Harvard Cancer Center Prostate Cancer SPORE
Investigator's Lab Web Site
Research Lab URL     None listed
Harvard Catalyst Site:     Balk Harvard Catalyst Web Site