photo of Albrecht, Mary A

Mary A Albrecht, MD

Associate Professor
Infectious Disease
Contact Information
Phone:   617-632-0760
Fax:   617-632-0766
Address:    330 Brookline Ave Boston, MA 02215
Major Research Theme
Clinical Research

The evaluation of investigational antiretroviral therapies in HIV-infected patients has comprised the major focus of my clinical research activities. In serving as the Director of the HIV Clinical Research Program at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center since 1997, I have functioned in the role as site principal investigator for both pharmaceutical and AIDS Clinical Trials Group (ACTG)-sponsored trials conducted to evaluate the efficacy and safety of antiretroviral combination regimens featuring selected investigational agents.
The bulk of my research efforts have been spent serving as a Harvard site ACTG prinicpal investigator (1999-2008) for selected clinical studies in which BIDMC has participated in under the domain of the ACTG which is sponsored by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID). A monthly review of all open antiretroviral therapy trials is conducted by me at BIDMC with research nursing for the Infectious Disease staff and fellows to explain the study objectives, define eligibility criteria, and ensure maximal patient enrollment. I am currently serving as site principal investigator for two pharmaceutical-sponsored and thirteen ACTG- sponsored antiretroviral trials. I was named prinicpal investigator of the Harvard ACTU site at BIDMC (# 103 site) in February 2002 and have assumed the responsibility of overseeing all ACTG-related clinical reseaerch activities at this subunit.


On a national level, I have been a member since 1999 of the HIV Disease Research Agenda Committee of the Adult AIDS Clinical Trials Group.
The HIV RAC role comprises the following:
1)Review concept sheet proposals and protocols in development for clinical trials evaluating antiretroviral combination regimens in treatment-naïve and treatment-experienced patients
2)Review concept sheet proposals and protocols which compare treatment strategies in HIV-infected patients that address structured treatment interruptions, induction-maintenace phases of therapy, intensifcation of regimens for viral rebound, when to start antiretroviral therapy, and directly observed therapy regimens
3) Review submitted proposals which evaluate clinical use of resistance tetsing to guide selection of salvage therapy in virologic failure,  compare the impact on virologic outcome using different resistance assays,  and the clinical application  of therapuetic drug monitoring  in salvage based regimens.
4)Participate in focus groups to develop protocols which address strategic issues in  antiretroviral therapy : when to switch, role of regimen intensification, and the use of salvage based therapy guided by resistance testing.  
5) Develop and implement antiretroviral therapy protocols in conjunction with other HIV RAC members

I have served as national Study Chair for the following ACTG protocls sponsored by the NIAID:

1996-1997 ACTG 303 Protoc0l, Influence of Risk Status for Disease Progression on eth Respponse to Antiretroviral Interventions

1997-1999  ACTG 364 Protocol,  Comparison of the Virologic efficacy of Nelfinavir (NFV) and/or DMP266 in Combination with One or Two New Nucleoside Analogs in Nucleoside Experienced Subjects : a Roll Over study to ACTG 302/303

2001- ongoing, CoChair A5146 Protocol,  A Randomized Controlled Trial Evaluating the Impact of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring (TDM) on ViroloGic Response to a Salvage Regimen in Subjects with a Normalzied Inhibitory Quotient (NIQ)< =1 to One or More Protease Inhibitors

External Recognition
1999:  Doris J Krupp Prize, Beth Isreal Deaconess Medical Center,Boston,MA


ACTG 364: “Comparison of the Virologic Efficacy of Nelfinavir and/or DMP 266 (efavirenz) in Combination with One or Two New Nucleoside Analogs in Nucleoside Experienced Subjects: A Roll Over Study to ACTG 302/303”

1)Oral presentation of week 16 trial results at the 12th World AIDS Conference , Geneva, Switzerland, July 1998

2) Oral presentation of week 48 study results presented at the 6th Conference of Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, Chicago, IL, February, 199 (abstract No 489)


Harvard Medical School
2001-  Member, HMS Division of AIDS Executive Committee

National Committee Assigments:

1996-97       Chair, AIDS Clinical Trials Group (ACTG) Protocol 303 “ Influence of Risk Status for Disease Progression on the Response to Antiretroviral Interventions: A Follow-Up Study to ACTG 175”, National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases

1998- Chair, AIDS Clinical Trials Group (ACTG) Protocol 364 “ Comparison of the Virologic Efficacy of Nelfinavir and/or DMP-266 in Combination with One or Two New Nucleoside Analogs in Nucleoside Experienced Subjects: A Roll Over Study to ACTG 302/303”, National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases

1999 - Member, HIV Disease Research Agenda Committee of the Adult AIDS Clinical  Trials Group

2000-       Vice Chair, AIDS Clinical Trials Group (ACTG) Protocol A5061 “ A Phase II, Randomized,Open-Label Pilot Study of Treatment Intensification in Early Virologic Failure”, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases

2001-       Co-Chair, AIDS Clinical Trials Group (ACTG) A5146 Protocol “ A Randomized Controlled Trial Evaluating the Impact of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring (TDM) on Virologic Response to a Salvage Regimen in Subjects with a Normalized Inhibitory Quotient (NIQ) < 1 to One or More Protease Inhibitors” National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases      

Major Collaborative Activities
Collaborate with other Harvard ACTU sites(MGH and Brigham) in conducting AIDS Clinical Trials Group (ACTG) sponsored clinical trials as part of the Harvard main unit
Investigator's Lab Web Site
Research Lab URL     None listed
Harvard Catalyst Site:     Albrecht Harvard Catalyst Web Site