photo of Lamont, John T

John T Lamont, MD

Non Paid Employee_BIDMC
Contact Information
Office:   DA-0501
Phone:   617-667-8377
Fax:   617-667-2767
Address:    330 Brookline Ave; DA-0501
 Boston, MA 02215
Advanced Degree And Training
Year Institution Area or Rank
1965 Univ of Rochester Medicine
1971 Mass General Hospital Fellow in GI
1975 Brigham and Women Asst Prof
1980 Boston University Med Center Assoc Prof Chief of GI Di
1985 Boston Univ Prof of Medicine
1995 BIDMC Harvard Med School Chief of GI Prof of Medic
Major Research Theme
We work on the structure and function of Clostridium difficile toxins. These protein exotoxins are among the class of enterotoxins, and they are the main virulence factor for this pathogen , the cause of pseudomembranous colitis. We are trying to elucidate the signal transduction pathways in mammalian enterocytes exposed to toxins A and B of C. difficile. The toxin receptors are surface proteins that help internalize the toxins. Toxin action involves a profound effect on mitocondrial function and activation of protein kinase c.We have also identified a membrane protein that serves as a  receptor for C difficie toxins and facilitates cell binding /internalization.
External Recognition
NIH Merit Award 1996-2006 , Assoc Editor NEJM , Past chair, NIH- NIDDK Subcommittee C( Training Grants Review committee). Chair, NIH-NIDDK Boundary Team in Digestive Diseases, Past Senior Assoc Editor, Gastroenterology, Member FDA Review Panel on GI Drugs.
Major Collaborative Activities
We interact with laboratories in BIDMC ( Surgery, Endocrinology, Cardiology ) Childrens Hospital, Mass General Hospital, Boston University School of Medicine, University of Chicago and Stanford University School of Medicine
Investigator's Lab Web Site
Research Lab URL     None listed
Harvard Catalyst Site:     Lamont Harvard Catalyst Web Site