photo of Barouch, Dan H

Dan H Barouch, MD

Virology & Vaccine Research
Contact Information
Office:   CL-01047
Phone:   617-735-4485
Fax:   617-735-4566
Address:    330 Brookline Ave; CL-01047
 Boston, MA 02215
Advanced Degree And Training
Year Institution Area or Rank
1999 Harvard Medical School Medicine (MD)
1999 MGH Intern and Resident
2001 BWH Fellow
2002 BIDMC Associate Professor of Me
Research Lab Team Members
   Jinyan Liu MD,PhD Lori Maxfield PhD Joseph Nkolola PhD Kathryn Stephenson MD
Major Research Theme
The focus of our research is HIV immunology, pathogenesis, and vaccine development.  We are actively developing novel vaccine strategies for HIV, including plasmid DNA vaccines and recombinant adenovirus vectors.  A major focus of our group is to assess the immunogenicity of candidate vaccines in preclinical murine and primate models and to study immune correlates of protection.  We are also advancing promising HIV vaccine strategies into phase 1 clinical trials.
External Recognition
Honors and Awards

1991-1993       Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship      
1992              Phi Beta Kappa, Harvard College
1993              Lawrence J. Henderson Prize, Department of Biochemistry, Harvard College
1993              Thomas T. Hoopes Prize, Harvard College
1993               A.B. summa cum laude, Harvard College
1993-1995        British Marshall Scholarship
1996               Certificate of Distinction in Teaching, Harvard College
1999              Soma Weiss Research Award, Harvard Medical School
1999              Leon Reznick Memorial Prize, Harvard Medical School
1999               M.D. summa cum laude, Harvard Medical School
2002               Partners in Excellence Award, Mass. General Hospital, Brigham & Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA
2004               Maxwell Finland Young Investigator Award, Massachusetts Infectious Diseases Society

Other Experiences and Professional Memberships

2004-              Editorial Board, Journal of Virology      
2004               ZAI1 CCH-MM1, VSG-MM1 Special Emphasis Panels, Biodefense and Emerging Infections, NIH/NIAID
2004-2005       ZAI1 PTM-MM1, TS-MM4 Special Emphasis Panels, Biodefense & SARS Product Development, NIH/NIAID
2004-2008       Temporary Member, ZRG1 VACC Study Section, HIV/AIDS Vaccines, NIH/NIAID
2005               ZRG1 IMM-K12/K02 Special Emphasis Panel, Non-HIV Microbial Vaccine Development, NIH/NIAID
2005-               Director, Vaccine Program, Harvard Medical School Center for AIDS Research (HMS CFAR)
2006-              Editorial Board, Clinical and Experimental Immunology
2006-              Editorial Board, Journal of Infectious Diseases
2006               ZAI1 LW-MM1 Special Emphasis Panel, Partnerships for Hepatitis C Vaccine Development, NIH/NIAID
2006               ZAI1 MPM-AJ1 Special Emphasis Panel, HIV Vaccine Research and Design (HIVRAD) Program, NIH/NIAID
2007-              Faculty, Committee on Virology, Harvard Medical School
2007-              Editorial Board, Open Virology Journal
2007               Scientific Organizing Committee, AIDS Vaccine 2007, Seattle, WA
2008              Conference Chair and Lead Organizer, Keystone Symposium on HIV Vaccines, Banff, Canada
2008               Scientific Organizing Committee, AIDS Vaccine 2008, Cape Town, South Africa
2008-              Reviewer, HIV/AIDS Grants, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
2008-              Member, ZRG1 VACC Study Section, HIV/AIDS Vaccines, NIH/NIAID
Major Collaborative Activities
We closely collaborate with other groups within the Division of Viral Pathogenesis at BIDMC, laboratories at BWH and MGH, the NIH-sponsored Center for HIV/AIDS Vaccine Immunology (CHAVI), the Gates Foundation Collaboration for AIDS Vaccine Discovery (CAVD), and the NIH Vaccine Research Center (VRC).
Investigator's Lab Web Site
Research Lab URL     Barouch Research Lab
Harvard Catalyst Site:     Barouch Harvard Catalyst Web Site