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Clinical Research Study Title 
Expiration Date (M/D/Year) 
2012P000251NeurologyUhlmann, Erik JNeurology Blood Specimen Bank2/23/2026
2001P000561IDWeller, Peter FPurification Of Constituents Of Human Eosinophils2/22/2026
2021P000371OrthopedicsAnderson, Dennis EEvaluating clinically feasible approaches to assess biomechanical demands on the trunk during activities of daily living2/20/2026
2015P000171GILau, Daryl TComparison of viral titers and proteins between serum and saliva of patients with viral hepatitis using standardized molecular assays2/18/2026
2022P000221GenMedJuraschek, Stephen PEffects of DASH Groceries on Blood Pressure in Black Residents of Urban Food Deserts With Treated Hypertension (GoFreshRx)2/13/2026
2016P000222PsychiatryCunningham, Anthony JThe evolution of memories across wake and sleep2/13/2026
2014P000131PsychiatryCunningham, Anthony JSleep-dependent emotional memory consolidation2/13/2026
2016P000454MAH Ex Vivo Studies of Breast Tissue2/12/2026
2001P001477HemOncJoyce, Robin MObtain Peripheral Blood Progenitor Cells from Patients with Malignancy Undergoing Leukopheresis or Bone Marrow Aspirate/Harvest for Another Clinical2/12/2026
2001P000564Anesthesia Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria: Definition of The Genetic Defect Responsible for the Disease AKA Blood samples from patients with primary and secondary hematologic diseases, or inflammatory conditions likely to involve complement activation2/12/2026
2021P000347Anesthesia Alterations of purinergic signaling in inflammatory bowel disease2/9/2026
2023P000058NeurologyBlattner, Margaret SA novel protocol for diagnosing idiopathic hypersomnia2/9/2026
2022P000207GIKokkotou, Efi GPreclinical BMS drug evaluation in inflammatory bowel disease using patient-derived explants (PDE)2/9/2026
2001P000793CardManning, Warren JMagnetic Resonance Imaging of the Cardiovascular System2/9/2026
2022P000117PsychiatryCunningham, Anthony JA Pilot Study Utilizing Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) during Sleep to Enhance Slow Waves and Cognitive Function in Schizophrenia2/9/2026
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